How to Obtain a Residence Permit in Northern Cyprus: What You Need to Know

residence permit

How to Obtain a Residence Permit in Northern Cyprus: What You Need to Know

A residence permit is a legal authorization that allows foreigners to stay within a country’s borders for a specified period. Foreigners wishing to stay in Northern Cyprus for more than 90 days must apply for a residence permit.

Why Northern Cyprus?
Northern Cyprus, a breathtaking island location, has transformed into a highly sought-after living destination in recent years. It is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the Eastern Mediterranean. The TRNC offers a unique experience with its sunny climate, vibrant atmosphere, turquoise sea, and stunning beaches, comparable to other popular vacation spots while being more peaceful and budget-friendly.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people looking to settle in Northern Cyprus and obtain a residence permit there. Here is everything you need to know about residence permits in Northern Cyprus.

Who Needs a Residence Permit in Northern Cyprus?

Foreigners who wish to stay in Northern Cyprus for more than 90 days within a 180-day period must obtain a residence permit. This permit allows unrestricted entry and exit from the TRNC. Foreigners with valid work permits or business establishment permits do not need an additional residence permit. Stateless persons and foreigners married to TRNC citizens are exempt from the residence permit requirement.

Individuals under 18 who have a parent residing in the TRNC do not need to obtain a residence permit. This also applies to adults over 18 who are disabled or dependent on their families. Additionally, individuals required to stay in Northern Cyprus for mandatory military service, government representatives, diplomatic passport holders, and consular officers are exempt from obtaining a residence permit during their mandatory service periods.

Types of Residence Permits in Northern Cyprus;

There are four main types of residence permits for living in Northern Cyprus’s most beautiful cities. The short-term residence permit is issued for up to one year at a time. Family residence permits are issued for up to two years; student residence permits are issued for up to two years, depending on the duration of education; and residence permits for foreigners over 60 years old are issued for up to three years at a time. Aside from the short-term residence permit, the other three permits are granted based on specific conditions.

For example, foreigners married to TRNC citizens and their non-working, non-student children under 23 years old can apply for a family residence permit. Parents or spouses of foreigners with student residence permits can also apply for a family residence permit. Foreigners enrolled in ongoing education programs in Northern Cyprus should apply for a student residence permit, but this is only valid for the duration of their education. They must also have valid health insurance. Applications made through distance learning or open education programs will not be considered.

Requirements for a Short-Term Residence Permit;

The most common way to obtain a residence permit in the TRNC is by applying for a short-term residence permit. Applicants for a short-term residence permit in Northern Cyprus must:

– Prove that they have not been banned from entering and exiting the TRNC.
– Provide the address details of their accommodation to ensure safe and healthy living conditions during their stay.
– Submit a criminal record from their home country if requested.
– Provide the required documents demonstrating they have sufficient financial means to cover living expenses in Northern Cyprus.
– Submit a health report proving they do not have any diseases that pose a threat to the country.

A short-term residence permit is issued for specific situations such as:

– Participating in a scientific research or archaeological excavation project.
– Attending in-service training or internship programs.
– Participating in a film or documentary shooting project in Northern Cyprus.
– Visiting the country for international agreements, educational exchange programs, or similar purposes.
– Receiving treatment for a non-threatening disease.
– Being a university graduate with at least three years of higher education.
– Visiting the country for yacht tourism as a yacht owner or operator.
– Earning at least five times the minimum wage and having at least one year’s worth of savings.
– Owning real estate in Northern Cyprus.

How to Obtain a Residence Permit as a Property Owner in Northern Cyprus;

Compared to similar countries, Northern Cyprus offers significant flexibility in terms of residence permit conditions. Application requirements can be easily met. If you own property in Northern Cyprus, you can apply for a one-year residence permit. At the end of the first period, you can renew your residence permit as long as you hold the property. You are allowed to apply for the duration you wish to stay within the country.

There is no minimum value threshold for property purchase to obtain a residence permit. Although Northern Cyprus does not require a minimum investment amount to obtain residence through property purchase, the property must have at least 17 square meters of space. Additionally, the property must be suitable for living and used solely for residential purposes.

If there are multiple owners on a single title deed, only one person can obtain a residence permit with that deed. However, family members of the property owner, such as minor children and spouses, can also benefit from this residence permit.

If the property is purchased with an agreement involving monthly payments, the owner must declare that they have sufficient financial means to make the payments. In addition to the monthly payment amount, they must have assets worth at least three times the minimum wage.

Residence permits obtained through property investment in Northern Cyprus are valid for a maximum of one year for the first three years. After three years, the permit is issued for two years if the purchase amount has been fully paid and must be renewed every two years.

Documents Required for Applying for a Residence Permit , These documents include:

– A residence document issued by the local municipality (Muhtar)
– Bank statements showing savings and monthly income (minimum $35,000)
– Medical records and health report
– Property sale contract and title deed with the buyer’s identity information
– Valid health insurance policy
– Original and photocopies of the passport valid for six months for non-EU citizens or at least two months for EU citizens and TRNC citizens
– Criminal record obtained from the applicant’s home country
– Two biometric photographs
– Marriage certificate or children’s birth certificate for family applications
– Receipts of payments made to the relevant public institutions

These documents are general and indicate that the applicant meets the conditions and is eligible for the permit. Each application may require additional documents specifically requested by the immigration office.

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