Is North Cyprus part of Turkey ?
Many people have never even heard of North Cyprus or know where it is? Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea with the third largest population. It is in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean approximately 58 miles from Turkey and 133 miles from Syria.
Cyprus was one of the wealthiest nations during the copper and bronze ages. In its long history it has had many conquerors. Alexander the Great seized the island in 333BC from the Assyrians. Over the centuries of conquests each passing empire left its mark on the island and left behind a rich and colourful myriad of culture.
It came under Turkish Ottoman rule in 1570 and remained so for 300 years, over this time much of the Turkish way of life became Turkish Cypriot roots and values. The connection of Cyprus to Turkey as a whole came to an end after Ottoman rule in 1878. Thereafter it came under the control of the British empire.
Since July 1974 The island has been divided into two parts. Turkish Cypriots rights thus became protected under the guarantee of Turkey which is one of three guarantors for the island, the other two being the United Kingdom and Greece and in 1983 the Turkish Cypriot north announce to the world a unilateral declaration of independence. The northern part is called The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and the southern part is called the Independent Republic of Cyprus. Many books and documents have been published detailing the intricacies of the island’s history over the centuries.

Naturally there are many things which connect readily North Cyprus to Turkey. Some examples have already been mentioned history and ancestry, geographic proximity and so on but that’s pretty much where it ends.
The TRNC is only recognised by the Republic of Turkey. The main language spoken in the north is unsurprisingly Turkish. Its currency is the Turkish Lira and similarly to Turkey it is predominantly Islamic and shares close similarities with its culture, food and music but perhaps for a few quirks which characterises Turkish Cypriots from mainland Turkish people for example Turkish Cypriot folklore and some quaintly Cypriot customs.
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is very much an independent state and it is most certainly not a part of Turkey and has no boundary with it nor is it a province of Turkey.
Just like Turkey and any other democratic country it exists and abides by democratic principles. These are its own principles not dictated by any other country and North Cyprus has always sought the right to self-determination totally independent in this regard, It is proud and free to choose its own path.
The governance of the TRNC implements internationally recognised democratic robust structures, processes and procedures of government. North Cyprus is technically a European country and delivers on western ideologies. As with any developing and outward looking country North Cyprus has a structured hierarchy for governance of the land, its people and internationally. It has full independent legislatures and judicial system respectful of human rights. The government is actively engaged in partnerships with world recognised organisation for health and care, preservation, conservation and wildlife protection and the environment.
Why Turkey is the only country to recognise the North Cyprus (TRNC)
Is North Cyprus part of Turkey ? Turkey is the only country to recognise the north of the island as a legitimate state in its own right. Since globally the TRNC has not been given official recognition by any other country Turkey has continued to support the island as a whole especially the divided north to protect the rights of Turkish Cypriots which would otherwise go unseen and unheard on the international stage. Turkey does so as one of the three guarantors (the others, The United Kingdom and Greece).
Naturally one can understand the close bond between North Cyprus (TRNC) and Turkey as a united Turkish people from Ottoman times. The close relationships between the two extend way beyond bloodline and heritage. Turkey continues to provide aid, support, trade, commercial and financial investment.
North Cyprus despite huge challenges is thriving and its economic development is on the rise. It has claims to natural resources in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and major projects for the construction of a new airport, new marinas, hospital and luxury hotels along with the infrastructure to support them. A recent water pipeline from Turkey to the North Cyprus coast provides ample fresh water with more similar partnership projects for solar electricity and power station on plan.