Whats the best places to buy property & live in Northern Cyprus? Top 3 City
For sure Girne, iskele, and Esentepe are the best places to buy property in North Cyprus. If you like to live a comfortable life in a tranquil neighbourhood? Then Kyrenia, Lapta areas are the best locations.
Lefke and Guzelyurt are the most suitable places for you if you after quite and peaceful village life.
Esentepe and Tatlisu areas also peaceful and beautiful places to live but little bit isolated from facilities.
People considering moving and living in Northern Cyprus often ask the question, where’s the best place to buy or build a home in Northern Cyprus. The attractions of living in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus are multi faceted.
With comparison to living in the UK and Europe North Cyprus is unspoiled and unmolested by the commercial heavy traffic of tourism and the fast pace living of the all consuming capitalistic world of the corporate giants. People are genuinely happier, friendlier, less stressed and healthier here.
Peaceful, tranquil and safe. Old traditions literally coexisting side by side in the TRNC against the backdrop of the Mediterranean Sea. Wall to wall sunshine and happy people with happy faces everywhere you go. It’s laid back relaxed living quickly melts away the pressures and strains of those who have lived and worked a lifetime in UK/Europe, those days gone and forgotten the instant you arrive. Who wouldn’t love it here? Its incredibly cheap too living in Northern Cyprus, so who said you can’t have your cake and eat it? Yes you can! North Cyprus cake has icing on it too 🙂 metaphorically speaking. For instance North Cyprus has a very low crime rate. It’s safe to walk the street at night alone. For families its ideal too. There are many English Education schools and a plethora of academic universities. Private clinics, dentists, hospitals offer specialist treatment at international standards far below the costs of those in the UK and Europe. Choosing a home near any of these facilities or attractions really is so simple its a piece of cake! Select Estates International have the expertise and the variety of choice to match your needs to find your perfect home.
Whats the best places to live in Northern Cyprus?. The best place for expats to live is the place which makes them most comfortable….that’s practically anywhere and everywhere on this island but lets narrow it down by geographic district. Bear in mind that nowhere is far away and from the two most extreme points of the map in northern Cyprus, the journey may only be 2.5 hours. (London to Birmingham). Select Estates International have a wide range of properties for you to look at.
Towns and Districts in Northern Cyprus

Lefkosa(Nicosia) No4 Choice
Lefkosa is the capital and its situated inland. In the capital the politicians conduct their business of government and all the main buildings associated with it are here. The green line border crossings at Metehan and Leda Palace permit access from North to South easily. The south is popular for shopping items which many expats may be used to but can’t find in the North and they have familiar highs street brands such as Ikea, Next, Starbucks, M&S for example. Many of the top Northern Cyprus retail outlets have their flagship stores in Lefkosa and so do the manufacturing and commercial businesses. There are outdoor markets and bazaars, hand crafted goods and art gallery’s.
Arguably Lefkosa especially in its outer districts are a bit cheaper too than living in a coastal town where tourist prices can have an effect on some products. Properties are cheaper to buy or rent and investment returns tend to bit lower than Magusa (Famagusta) or Girne (Kyrenia).
Girne (Kyrenia)
Girne (Kyrenia) No1 Choice
Kyrenia and Districts are extremely popular with expats living here. It’s most definitely a hotspot. Many restaurants, bars, supermarkets have set up especially to cater for the expat and tourist trade. Real estate values are particularity more a premium here because of its impressive coastline and tourist attractions, spas, casinos, nightlife and lavish hotels. There is the new and old harbour with boat excursions and party hire available. Plenty of activities including horse riding, jeep safaris, para gliding and water sports (jet ski hire, parasailing and scuba diving to name but a few). In Lapta and Alsancak (2 districts of Kyrenia) there are sports venues such as Archery and Ten pin bowling and in every district there are cinemas and theatrical and classical music shows at various amphitheaters some dating back to Roman times. Up in the mountains there is the beautiful and picturesque village of Karmi. Stunning views out to sea and cool breeze Karmi where one can look out and see practically the whole of Northern Cyprus. Karmi has a large British Expat population with its cafes and bars and an old fashion pilar box from the days of the UK empire.