Education and English school in North Cyprus | Top 5

Naturally where ever a family chooses to live education for their child is one of they major priorities. People will very often choose their home where it is close to a good school but there’s more to it than that.
As a parent or guardian you want the best for your child. The best education based on a school which has a proven track record of success. The facilities needs to have excellent resources of books and learning materials and be up to date with the latest teaching techniques. Even beyond these things we want easy access and transport infrastructures, a great laboratory or sports facilities perhaps or maybe things like wheelchair access to help less able body children or those with learning difficulties.
With such an array of considerations it can be a challenge to find the right school for your child.

Add to this adjusting into a new life in a foreign country and the challenges seem to be much more daunting. There is good news on the horizon.
There are many English Schools in Northern Cyprus and the education system in the TRNC is progressive as it is robust. In fact from nursery school, to primary school and all the way up to higher education University and post graduate studies North Cyprus is most accomplished.
Allow me to put it this way. The first and foremost priority and largest source of overseas income to the North of the island is through its education system. The second largest source of income is tourism.
There are a great many universities to choose from offering internationally recognised awards in practically every subject you can think of.
English schooling in North Cyprus isn’t just about lessons using the English language. The English schools in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) North Cyprus have modelled the curriculum on the United Kingdom education curriculum. That is to say that the syllabus, structure and teaching methods follow that which you’ll find in the UK so much so that if you ever took a child from a classroom in North Cyprus and placed him in the same classroom in the UK they would not feel out of place.
One might argue that because class sizes on average are approximately 16-20 students here opposed to 30 in the UK that the quality of education is better in the TRNC.English Schools in Northern Cyprus.
One would expect the classes to be varied to facilitate the natural ability of the child to excel. Some would call this Talent, and talent is always encouraged. There are classes in other foreign languages too, French, German and Arabic for example. In the main all classes are given in English and English is encouraged to be spoken everywhere within the school.
Music lessons to encourage Beethoven, art to encourage Picasso and science to encourage Einstein. There’s always a little extra help with after classes available to support the children who may have difficulty with some subjects.
The schools provide social activities to develop social skills and consolidate communication through language, collaboration through task setting and team working and respect. After all, school isn’t just about classroom subjects? Field trips and out of school visits are all fully supervised and the utmost care is taken for the child’s safety in all activities.
Most schools employ career professional teachers from abroad usually English teachers who have been fully qualified in the UK. The benefits are obvious, a child learns better English grammar and pronunciation from a native speaker and indirectly learns from their foreign teacher more about the outside world and different experiences, cultures and customs.
English Schools in Northern Cyprus. Schools all have the same reassurances and organisation in place for the safety and security of their students as one would expect. You will find they have a nurse and infirmary on site as well as supervised playtime and bus travel. They all have security personnel at the gates too. Teacher/parent meetings are commonplace and teacher reports about the performance of their child during school time including health/medical matters are kept and may be monitored for improvements.
As mentioned before Universities here in the North cater for the most ambitious of senior students regardless of age. Doctors, professors, mathematicians alike teach subjects in all manner of topics, diplomas and degrees and other industry profession awards are all possible here. Much in the same way as primary and secondary schools the principles of the Universities is based the corresponding curriculum of other countries (mainly UK and USA). Their delivery, methodology, quality assurance and data analysis follows the same dynamics.
It would be a fair statement to say also that their facilities are most impressive. Some of the newer establishments are state of the art with impressive gymnasiums, auditoriums and laboratories often located amounts the picturesque settings of mountains and sea views. School, college and university fees are very competitive and there are lots to choose from. Fees are much less in the TRNC compared to UK or Europe. Campuses offer greatly affordable accommodation and there are many private locations one can choose from to stay which are all geared toward affordable student lettings.

There are so many schools and universities to choose from all of which offer great value and exceptional education that to list all of them would be difficult but perhaps here are some of the most popular ones, not in any particular order.
Schools offering primary/secondary education or both:-
English School of Kyrenia, Necat British College, Bellapais School Kyrenia, American College, Neareast College.
Final International University, The American University, Near East University, eastern Mediternaian University